Workforce Development Center
Job Placement
The workforce pipeline starts here.
Through one-day, 12-week, one-year, or two-year training, JWCC’s Workforce Development Center provides the technical skills today’s employers need now.
Need specialized training for your company? We do that too!
Business & Industry Training
Why send your employees out of town for quality training when they can get it right here in your own backyard?
Conference Rooms and Computer Lab Rentals are available. Contact the WDC for more information.
The WDC expansion project is assisted by a federal grant titled: ‘EDA Economic Adjustment Assistance Program Grant’. The grant was awarded to JWCC in June of 2021. The total project estimate is supported by the $3.033M federal grant. The contracted firms are Klingner & Associates/BLDD and Maas Construction. Estimated project completion date is the fall of 2023.
Once completed, the project will provide state-of-the-art training opportunities for students to gain relevant skills in the most in-demand fields to meet the area’s work force needs, creating and retaining head-of-household positions, attract private investment and strengthening resiliency throughout the region.
The expansion will add 14,170-square-feet to JWCC’s WDC facility located at 2710 North 42nd Street in Quincy, including a new Truck Driver Training addition, expansion of the east side with a new physical building entrance, expanded space for HVAC, and business and industry training. A remodel of the current interior of the building will include expanded space for welding, industrial maintenance and manufacturing, robotics and automation, and flexible use space for new programs such as a virtual reality lab. A new vehicle road entrance off 42nd Street will lead to a larger parking area.
WDC Staff
David Hetzler
Dean of Career and Technical Education
Kelly Lewis
Workforce Development Specialist
Gordon Forbes
Coordinator of Business & Industry
Phone: 217.641.4971
JWCC Workforce Development Center
2710 North 42nd Street, Quincy, IL 62305